
Extraction and writing of ORF sequences with ORFget

ORFget is a tool provided with ORFtrack that allows the user to extract the protein and/or nulceotide sequences of specific subsets of ORFs according to their annotation categories (see here for a description of all ORF categories). ORFget deals with annotation patterns, thereby allowing different levels of annotation in a very easy fashion.

ORFget has two principal options:

The searched patterns can be specific (for a finer selection) or more general.


For example, the motif "nc" which refers to all NonCoding ORFs appears in the features: nc_intergenic, nc_ovp_same-mRNA, nc_ovp_opp-mRNA and nc_ovp_same-tRNA. As a result, the option -feature_include nc will keep all the four feature categories.

The option -feature_include nc_ovp will keep:

The option -feature_include nc_ovp_same will keep: The option -feature_include mRNA will keep: The option -feature_exclude opp will eliminate the nc_ovp_opp-mRNA and will keep: