

CusProSe requires a python version >= 3.7

External dependencies#

CusProSe relies on three external tools: hmmer, muscle and usearch. The first two can be easily installed from the following commands:

  • hmmer (tested with version 3.3)
sudo apt install hmmer
  • muscle (tested with version 3.8.1551)
sudo apt install muscle

For usearch, you first need to download it here: usearch (tested with version v10.0.240)

Next, you will have to rename it and make it accessible from anywhere in your system:

# rename to usearch
mv usearchXX.X.XXX_i86xxxx.gz usearch

# make usearch executable
chmod +x usearch

# make usearch easily accessible
mkdir ~/bin
mv usearch ~/bin

Finally, copy the following line in your .bashrc file (or .bash_profile for macos users)

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin 

Create an isolated environment#

Although not indispensable, this step is highly recommended (it will allow you to work on different projects avoiding potential conflicts between different versions of some python libraries).

Install virtualenv#

python3 -m pip install virtualenv

Create a virtual python3 environment#

virtualenv -p python3 my_env

Activate the created environment#

source my_env/bin/activate

Once activated, any python library you'll install using pip will be installed solely in this isolated environment. Every time you'll need to work with libraries installed in this environment (i.e. work on your project), you'll have to activate it.

Once you're done working on your project, simply type deactivate to exit the environment.

Download and install the latest release of CusProSe#

Click here for the latest release:

Uncompress the archive#

If you downloaded the .zip file:


If you downloaded the .tar.gz file:

tar xzvf cusProSe-x.x.x.tar.gz

Go to the cusProSe directory#

cd cusProSe-x.x.x/

Install CusProSe on your virtual environment#

Make sure your virtual environment is activated and type the following command:

python install


pip install .


    If the installation successfully worked, then typing:
  • iterhmmbuild should display:
    usage: iterhmmbuild [-h] -fa [FA] -protdb [PROTDB] [-name [NAME]] [-out [OUT]] [-id ID]
                        [-cov COV] [-cval CVAL] [-ival IVAL] [-acc ACC]
  • prosecda should display:
    usage: prosecda [-h] -proteome [PROTEOME] -hmmdb [HMMDB] -rules [RULES] [-out [OUT]] 
                        [-cov COV] [-cevalue CVAL] [-ievalue IVAL] [-score SCORE] [-acc ACC]
  • create_hmmdb should display:
    usage: create_hmmdb [-h] -hmmdir [HMMDIR] [-dbname [DBNAME]] [-outdir [OUTDIR]]